Nowadays, much of my work involves security research across Apple platforms.
The Open Shop Channel exists to provide a new Homebrew experience for the Wii.
Throughout this, we:
Development Lead, WiiLink
WiiLink's purpose is to revive long-discontinued Wii channels. Efforts included:
- Reverse engineered and implemented server-side functionality of numerous Wii channels, including Wii no Ma, the Digicam Channel, and the Demae Channel
- Orchestrated server-side delivery of video to thousands of users
- Reverse engineered decoding of Mobiclip video for use with Wii no Ma
Independent Research
As a large user of macOS and its derivatives, its internals are of regular interest when tinkering about. Such include:
- A work-in-progress, from scratch MDM server
- Ongaku, a Discord RPC presence for Music
- A SuperBinary parser, one of many formats used for Apple firmware
- A utility leveraging undocumented sound isolation properties to mute vocals in music
- Several sandbox-related vulnerabilities
You can find me here:
Once in a blue moon, you may find a new post on my blog.
Interested in working on a project? Please feel free to reach out via email (name@domain), or on Matrix.